Tuesday, July 06, 2004

These days I have been thinking a lot about people who 'yap yap yap' at office. I came across this as as a rant on craigslist.org. Here's a lady who is giving hell to a person whom she dated once. She has a long list on the 'best of craigslist'. Here is what she has to say about his yapping.
11. This one's a bonus - your monologues. Jesus F Christ, I must have been lonelier than those bastards on Gilligan's Island to listen to you drone on and on about your melodrama, your insecurities, and your hyper-sensitive experiences in the world. Save that shit for your therapist, dude. (There's a reason they make upwards of $300/hour - they have to listen to human garbage. I don't!) I am surprised my ear didn't literally fall off from your incessant yammering. Here's a clue: a conversation is between two people, a monologue is one person droning on while the other wishes they were dead


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